Nation Builders Poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar

Nation Builders

Even those carrying pails of sand,
Would be considered nation builders.
To bring a pride and gleam to their land.
And restore a sense of dignity.
Whispered by many,
As a need to progress...
A much needed unity,
Professed digresses.

In a collective motivation,
To renew and rid them of stagnation.

There are too many among them,
Who perceive that kind of effort...
As an introduction to diminish them to laborers.
An act of slavery!
Many see as not being free.
Free to come and go as they please.

And this, to them, is absurd!
They then refuse to hear another word.
Or validate and comprehend,
Anything at all...
That might bring enlightenment to them.

With no opportunity to voice their opinion?
With no opinion addressed to be heard?

~Who on Earth do 'they' think we are?
Animals in a blinded herd? ~

And already the rumors and innuendos,
Have stopped them in their tracks.
Some have started a petition.
Detailing their objections...
Not only to that!
But also...
To the quality of sand.
And the color and sizes of the pails,
To be carried and hauled.
Who would do the scheduling?
And what hours can be expected?
What about the pay?
Would good pay wages prevail?

And how would this activity,
Produce their needs and feed traditions...
With customary holidays.
Could time away,
Be used as vacation and/or sick pay?

So the people decided to sit in defiance.
Waiting to be approached.
And hopefully to be given time,
To debate their concerns....
Many have stated they will dispell.
And reproach.
To do this well.

'These are just plans suggested.
To rebuild and prosper.
Not yet to manifest! '

~At whose expense and benefit? ~
Remarked the respected elder of the village!
Standing with folded arms.
On a dirt path in protest.

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