Nature Is The Last Resort! Poem by Ramesh T A

Nature Is The Last Resort!

Rating: 5.0

Nature is the only last resort for a loveless lonely person;
Divine spirit within Nature consoles and cheers one by its
Beautiful and lovely plants, flowers, hills, rivers and all
And makes one indulge in deep meditation to get peace of mind!

In such a pursuit, one becomes a mystic by mingling one's mind
With the divine spirit within Nature to enjoy divine love and
Bliss forever and gains a new state of human hood slowly leading
To the state of divine hood, the best and final stage of humans!

Nature is the medium established by the divine spirit existing
Everywhere activating everything forever and ever to recoup all
Worn out souls to recover one's self to go ahead with new vigour
And Vitality to complete the cycle of one's birth and purpose!

Sans divine love through Nature, man is like one stranded in
The vast desert of life with no relief and release to paradise!

Kumarmani Mahakul 23 August 2019

We feel this God's creation with much enthusiasm. Beautiful and lovely plants, flowers, hills, rivers and all. Nature is ever graceful. An interesting poem is excellently penned.10

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Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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