Need Not A Gun Poem by Randy McClave

Need Not A Gun

I don't have or own a gun
Because, I don't need or want one,
I'm not a soldier or in a war
And you screaming that I need one, I will ignore.
I don't need one to kill my food to eat
There's a grocery store just down the street,
I look not for violence I pray to God for peace
And I don't need a gun, because we have the police.
This isn't the old wild Wild West
And Im not going on a cattle drive or a quest,
Outside my window there is no savages preparing to attack
And I won't find an arrow in my back.
I don't need to prove to anyone that I'm a man
That of course would not be my plan,
I'm not a bully and especially not a coward
By the NRA's beliefs I have not been devoured.
I'm not afraid of any stranger
Around them I feel no fear or danger,
I need no gun constantly at my side
And I definitely don't need one for my pride.
Jesus our Lord and creator had once said
From within the Bible I have constantly read,
And it also pertains to guns which all will admit
Those who live by the sword will die by it.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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