Never Ever Let You Part Again Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English

Never Ever Let You Part Again

Need needs no nod at all,
Nor the stamp of any creed;
Necessity knows no rule of law
And moves the world by instinct;
I need you, and you need me,
And we need naught to justify it;
Then why these wait, and hide and seek,
This circumspection and introspection?
Follow instinct and jump ahead,
Honey and milk shall find themselves;
Wear not blinkers, see all round,
World is open and beautiful too;
Step forward on inner light
And take odds by their horns
To reach your light and fulfillment;
While crawl back, thousand doubts
Raise their heads to push you back;
Heed them not, steadfast on light
That burns bright within you,
Tear away wraps that surround you
And emerge like god on winning streak.

I wait for you from the dawn of ages,
Hoping ‘gainst hope of reaching you;
You come half way, stir and stop,
Some mysterious leash holds you back,
You turn back from the cherished track
And sail erratic in wilderness
In grief unbound that shatters me -
Why I never figured till now,
Nor you know why, certain I’m;
Forget all past, look forward,
Shore ahead is beckoning you;
Move away from that weighs you down
And swim with resolve to reach your shore;
I wait on shore with open arms
To get you to blend our mutual needs
Those wait not anymore, and tired of wait,
And fulfill our needs of endless time,
And never ever let you part again.

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