Nightriders In The Sky Poem by David Harris

Nightriders In The Sky

T’was a night for dreaming
as I lie there looking at the stars.
My head rested against an old oak tree,
as I lie on a bed of heather new.
I could hear the ghostly breath
of the nightriders in the sky.
Their fiery steeds were like shooting stars
racing across the black velvet heavens,
as they rode their eternity quest.

I closed my eyes to dream of glory
just how they may have done.
Riding a white charger full gallop
to save a maiden fair,
to scoop her up into my arms
and into the sunset fade.
Rescuing this beautiful maiden fair
from the lustful clutches
of those who would do her harm.

Into sleep, I drifted deeper
and another quest before me lies.
To join the wandering band
of ghostly nightriders in the sky.
My steed sped with hooves of fire
across the black velvet heavens
in search of the eternity key,
but I was woken from my slumber.

The gamekeepers stood before me one, two and three.
They asked if I had been poaching
and where was my booty store.
I told them I was just a dreamer,
but they took no bid to my answer.
A rope across the oak was thrown and now
I am swinging there my body dangling free,
my spirit is now riding with
the ghostly nightriders in the sky.

David Harris

David Harris

Bradfield, England
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