No Fear (Couplets) Poem by Cynthia Buhain-baello

No Fear (Couplets)

Rating: 5.0

Like the shifting sand waves toss along the shore,
The times of our lives changed like never before.
Carried by the whims of a sudden earthly plague,
Our dreams and our plans now seem rather vague.
Forced into lock down with limited resources,
Uncertainty ahead with diminishing riches.
Add fear for our health, should we catch the disease-
The walls shout aloud, "What kind of life is this? "
Yet we try to exist with those questions we ask,
To go out, take a stroll, we have to wear a mask.
But the stop to our lives caused some to really think
About life and when Death swiftly comes in a blink.
We get to reflect that we could be gone tomorrow,
We could be next for cremation, then where do we go?
For me, I've found peace before I lie on my grave.
In Christ alone I now breathe with the eternal life He gave.
There's no fear of the end, in my heart there's no dread.
The body spirit lives though I'm dead!

Copyright © Cynthia Buhain-Baello~~~~05.21.2020

No Fear (Couplets)
Sunday, July 12, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: anxiety,christ,death,disease,fear,salvation
Shaun Cronick 12 July 2020

A beautiful and captivating poem so finely woven for one and all to read and then take stock of their lives and see how fragile we all truly are. A poem to end on an individual's thought's of Hope. Hope that great virtue. 10+.Thank you Cynthia for writing and sharing your so meaningful poem. I wish you well and all the great virtue's this life and poetry has to offer your good self and the loved ones around you. Take care

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Cynthia Buhain-baello

Cynthia Buhain-baello

Manila, Philippines
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