Not A Day Goes By That I Don't Think Of Him Poem by Raj Dronamraju

Not A Day Goes By That I Don't Think Of Him

Not I, a legend without form, happy in my own way, lovely wife, a dog, loves gin and tonics

But rather him the man who helped and helps people eternally and posthumously, who probably thought he was greater than he actually was and was ridiculed resoundingly because of this

The drinking age in the state of Texas was only 19 at that time and they never asked for any ID at purchase
Cartons of cans of beer consumed on your front doorstep
The sprinklers turned themselves on while we turned ourselves off

Women are an interruption, a frustration, and a waste of time especially in a promiscuous culture
I believe in assigned partners and arranged marriage and the freeing up of time that will result in

Not a day I don't think of laughing with someone at the exact same things
Who understood things that would be nonsense to anyone else
And laughed at those as well

Not a day I don't notice that time is the god notations exist for
Your premise is profound but moments of its development were fleeting
Brief periods then seem much longer and more real than lengthy stretches of monotousness toil, of earthworm living do now

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