Note To My Ex Crush Poem by Preston Mwiinga

Note To My Ex Crush

Dear Ex Crush on my list of Ex girlfriends you are not there because you have just being my crush. I am so glad that I was so much in love with your but you and I never shared any relationship. Fast forward, I so how you were in love with the guy that advanced on you and got into a relationship with you. well it was not really a successful one because I saw how you crushed him. You were disastrous more than 'Bull Dozer'.
you crushed t the point that he forgot that he was a man when you milked off of his naira. You crushed his desire to love again, you made his sight blur that he could no longer see love in anyone but hate.
I am glad I only remained as your crush otherwise I would have been ruined easily because my heart is so fragile. I easily brake and crush into smaller unrecognizable pieces.
With time, I learnt that you and I were never meant to be, we are like oil and water. we can never meet, our paths are completely different.
What ever you did to them, I do not judge or condemn you, you are a good person that needs someone of your personality to fall in love with not like them and again not me. whatever I felt for you was all lust and it rusted off like metal poured with spirit of salt.

All matches are made in heaven, your match was found, you are now in love and I am happy about that because my waiting before approaching you made me find my perfect match, I found a piece of heaven by not approaching you.

happy life my Ex Crush, I value you, I cherish you.

Note To My Ex Crush
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