Nothing New Poem by Randy McClave

Nothing New

There will always be war and rumors of war
History and actions are proof to that
What is happening now has happened before
People will always die, and fight and will combat,
Man and woman are meant to suffer and cry
That is the truth and it becomes so transparent
Tears are with them from their birth until they die
But they are meant to love, and then become a parent,
The happiest day in any parent's life
It would be the day that their child is born
A miraculous gift that is given to a man and his wife
And it is given without sadness, shame or scorn,
Sadly the saddest day in any parent's life
Is when they must say goodbye and bury a child
They must live with the sadness and that strife
As from the loss of their child they are beguiled,
An heartbreaking moment in any child's day
Is when they must say goodbye and bury a parent
They weeps their tears their clouds are now gray
Their youth is over and now to them it is apparent,
In the times of peace a son buries his dad
In times of war a father must bury his son
Sadly these deaths occur and it will make one mad
But as they say, there is nothing new under the sun.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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