O, Girls! cor Counts More Poem by Freeyad Ibrahim

O, Girls! cor Counts More

O Girls… Core Counts More

by Freeyad Ibrahim

While walking through streets idely,
I saw two pretty girls
Wandering about looking about
so hastily
One of them with a scarf on head
And the other bareheaded
One of them was walking gaily,
The other shamefully and attentively,
She walked so carefully as if eggs,
Dragging her unseen legs clumsily
Two images in two mirrors of my two eyes refelected
One free and natural and the other deformedly depicted
The one with bare legs smiled soon her eyes met my eyes
While the other looked straigtforwardly no compromise
I knew her question when she passed by:
Why do you look at me..why?
My heart answered in bitterness, shy:
Two blossoms of a spring's budded tree are the two cheeks of yours
You are contrasting then the collegues of yours
You may coceal the beauty of yours, within two layers of grey
But how shalt thou ever be able to conceal your intoxicating fragrant
Nature is in wait of blowing of a newly born breeze
I bet
As your tender age does,
But you are contradicting, by ever concealing
your soft silky hair, the doctrine of nature
But don't forget..
To the breeze is the deer much lovlier than a tortoise,
and matches best its nature
Freedom is the thing with feathers, so it is time to try, to venture
O you two…two fathomless demands of the future's bridegroom
Whose present time and future, Yet not tempered
by God's unshaken loom
Both of you do like to listen to your own wants,
For your wants are the same wants
your grand- grandfathers had wanted
And you dare not to risk denying what is socially accepted
Which had nothing to do with the God's doctrine
of the beauty of goodness,
Let go the preachers
Heaven's heart shall harmonize with all faults and faculties
of his creeping, flying or quarrelling creartures.
In the eyes of the heaven no one is prettier than the other
He who created souls so beauty shall never despise thee, never..
Whether… bare legged, bare headed, bare bosomed
Whether with a head covered or uncovered
He loves you all indifferently… naked and unnaked
For it is He Who all souls in his perpetual pottery- bakery had baked


Freyad Hugo

Freeyad Ibrahim 28 September 2021

Correction(by ever conceiling)

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Freeyad Ibrahim 28 September 2021

Correction(as if on eggs)

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