Of Books And Other Worldly Material Poem by Gayathri Seetharam

Of Books And Other Worldly Material

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Of books and other worldly material
-Gayathri B. Seetharam
PM Justin Trudeau and the governor general, Julie Payette,
Had a bad scare yesterday when an intruder
Stole into the Rideau Hall grounds and threatened the Prime Minister
Let him and the governor general be safe
For nobody is above complete protection
Do recall Pres. John F. Kennedy's assassination in Nov 1963;

Tragedy should not strike any country in this manner
For there was the case of PM Rajeev Gandhi of India whose life
Was swallowed up by a suicide bomber
And his PM mother, Indira Gandhi, who was also assassinated by gunmen;

I learnt about a beautiful compliment from PM Trudeau
Who was in an upbeat mood yesterday morning
When he caught a brief glimpse of me on the internet
Where I show up at free moments
Beats me also but there it is;

He saw me without my customary lipstick
And said that I was a rare beauty
And I thought that it was praise indeed
And thanked him and shared a piece of fiction from a Virginia Woolf tale
Which I am yet to finish;

The heroine of the tale, A Society, would have been bequeathed
With the fortune of her father
Under the condition that she read all the books in London Library
A daunting task to those who are fainthearted;

Of books and quotes, I shall dwell on,
I had said that Canada under Stephen Harper as PM
Was true to Charles Dickens's oxymoron in the beginning of his book, A Tale of Cities,
And I say that Justin Trudeau's Canada is the mirror image of the same beginning,
Partly because of the COVID-19 virus pandemic crisis since the past winter;

Here is the excerpt:
"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair."
And PM Trudeau, I wish you good luck with the analysis
I shall move onto William Shakespeare and a search in AZ Quotes gave me an excerpt from
Henry the VIII, which is all the more interesting because this king was known for his preoccupation with his personal life
He made divorce legal by going against the Church of England;

"Be just, and fear not.
Let all the ends thou aim'st at be thy country's,
Thy God's and truth's."
Of course, as Prime Minister, Mr. Trudeau,
For the three munchkins would be almost left stranded on a desert island otherwise;

A search in my Google Play collection of all Jane Austen novels proved unfruitful
And I looked up goodreads, and her quote from Northanger Abby caught my eye
And it is thus: "The person, be it gentleman or lady, who has not pleasure in a good novel, must be intolerably stupid."
On that note, I shall finish my Virginia Woolf tale, A Society.

Of Books And Other Worldly Material
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