Of Tea Pots And Coffee Mugs Poem by Gayathri Seetharam

Of Tea Pots And Coffee Mugs

Of tea pots and coffee mugs and "jugs", the third also, an euphemism for well-rounded breasts for a well-rounded outlook
-Gayathri B. Seetharam
Coffee is the best is a prima facie argument
But drinking and serving tea is my mea culpa
And if pizza is not definitely passé
And should be enjoyed with coco-cola or lemonade
I say as Jethro Tull say that "my husband is my pepsi cola
But I won't open this can" for it is a can of bookworms;
My son's favourite dish is alu paratha
For it lets one analyze data
And has to be accompanied by sabji or palya
The character of which can be varied;
There is vegetable bhaat
Which opens a path, The Philosopher's Walk to Queen's Park, may be
And it should be eaten with raita
And this combo eaten with chips and macadamia nut - pecan fudge makes one combat Satan;
Coffee lets one remember the basis of William Styron's Sophie's Choice
And that is the sad truth that the heroine, the mother would have chosen to send her daughter and not her son to the gas chamber in occupied Poland
But tea lets one reminisce over Letty or Lotty being the murderer in Agatha Christie's A Murder is Announced
Tarry a while! Then there is the drink of Jesus, the juices, which along with the smoothies and the milk shakes lets one trace out a pattern in life.

Of Tea Pots And Coffee Mugs
Thursday, May 3, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: authors,food
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