Old Prophesy Poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar

Old Prophesy

For this particular session,
I have decided...
Not to charge you,
My usual fee.

I came hoping,
You could see what I could expect.
And be pro-active about it."

I highly recommend that you do.
As you can see,
I have several crystal balls.
And all reveal,
A most upsetting future...
For you ahead.

"As if these days,
Are not upsetting enough.
Give to me.
Let me have it.
What did or do you see?
I've come prepared. Either way."

I saw to see in your future,
A time in which...
It will make no difference,
As to who tells lies.
When they tell them or where.
And the truth to tell it...
No longer will be believed.
Leaving those picked and elected,
To sit in positions of leadership?
Will only do this,
To dupe, trick.
And entertain the people.
That's it.
Including you.
With deceptions so outrageous.
The people.
Including you.
Will applaud their ability,
To deceive and lie beyond belief.

"Here. Take it."

This is 'Two Hundred dollars'.
Why so much?

"Something told me,
I should come prepared.
And be pro-active about it."

You are destroying my balls.
You are destroying my balls,
With that hammer.

"Something told me,
To bring two hundred dollars.
And a hammer.
I didn't understand it until now.
You need to update your balls.
You need fresh much newer balls."

I realize what I saw,
Coming to you in the future.
Could upset you.
But this?
I did not expect at all.
Do you know how long,
I have had these balls?

"No I don't.
I stay out of people's business.
But I will say this...
You have no idea,
Just how old that prophesy is.
This action I have taken,
Is a blessing.
Consider it that.
And one day when your 'vision' clears,
You are going to thank me.
Even I can see that coming! "

Tuesday, April 21, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: prophecy,visionary
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