One Of The Bold. Poem by Charles M Moore

One Of The Bold.

Rating: 5.0

Stay close beside me and follow the tune
as you brushed away freedom with political brooms
and step lightly gently conforming the mass
in the chains that prevent them from having a past

Pretty boy pretty the mirrors your friend
the one you can trust who'll be there to the end
he smiles before you and watches your back
as the marionettes dance to the war of attack

Giants once walked where you find yourself now
the ones who created their dreams with a plough
with blisters that wept with the tears of their brow
and the knowledge of knowing they'd get there somehow

So sing to me tell me come dance the parade
say it's not about killing but how many were saved
and write down the stories you'll read when your old
when you had that one chance to be one of the bold.

Linda Ori 15 November 2006

Another wonderful piece of work, Charlie! I love your style and brilliance! Linda

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Patricia Gale 11 November 2006

Outstanding piece Charlie! The imagery and thinking of it as a tune so well done!

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Charles M Moore

Charles M Moore

Glasgow Scotland.
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