One Of The Disgraced I'M A American Poem by Ace Of Black Hearts

One Of The Disgraced I'M A American

Debt we love it
As the world bankers we have become part it
Borrowed money just disappears into thin air
Don't worry will just print out more
No matter the effect it has on us
We are human beings too.
You as the leaders of society have fell through
Like a broken promise
We have been lied too
And now were told to keeping smiling
All the while resources are running out
And the rich are ducking out
Why all the doubt
Why are you suddenly losing faith
Do you know something we don't
Then do tell why don't you
Instead of acting so confused
At least we have excuse
Back door deals
Monopolies to big to fail
An I exhale are you for real.
A 14 trillion dollar debt and that's changing thing's
Different faces playing the same game
How can we screw the American slaves today
How much do you really think it will take
Even if you remove it from the spot light
We still all know it's their and it's only getting worse
Here let me speak to whom does the budget for you
2 + 2 = 4 and not no more
What the hell is wrong with you
You don't have clue
Everyone is angry at us
And it because of you, and the things you do
Well the jokes on you cause we will no longer defend a name so full of shame
I use to be of the proud and the brave
Now I just feel used
One Of The Disgraced I'm A American

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