One Tree Poem by Randy McClave

One Tree

One pair of wooden sandals and not any more
More pairs being there many had swore,
Many have brought shoes for their worshipped bearer;
But, they all are worn by the very same wearer.

I have seen and I have heard from many different beliefs
They say from the same tree fall many different leafs,
Then I was told to open up my eyes and to truly see;
Different colored leaves all fall from the very same tree.

From trees many pages have been completed
Their words strengthen the soul and evil is defeated,
In different languages they all tell how God had stood;
Pages from them all are made from the very same wood.

In a forest of thousands trees there stands only one
Without that one tree the forest would be gone,
From one Apple tree In a forest that God had made;
Then on a tree he died and then we all prayed.

From a sturdy branch is carved one mighty staff
And it has been planted in everyone's path,
I now look and understand of that one mighty wooden rod;
As there is, but only one God.

Randy L. McClave

Friday, January 5, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: belief,faith,god
Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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