One World Country Poem by Chan Mongol

One World Country

Poem by Chan Mongol
March 8 of 2020

Why suffocating in narrowness within a boundary of a country
Why following the system of Saudi made slavery and bigotry?
Free caged men and open borders to let people eat wherever
Be in god's way as. god made the world for all to fairly share
Let birds take rests, make nests in choices when find a tree
Liberty call for cows, dogs, cats, birds, humanity to live freely.
To listen or not to listen to me is completely up to you
My school is informative and can sure teach you few new.
No fiction or political obesity are found in me but reality
My mission is to drag you from the poisonous nationality.
Now, I can't reach you but you can reach me very easily
I am going to expel many those unproductive absentee.
You will find no fiction or political obesity in me but reality
My mission is to drag you from bigotry and stinky nationality.
Try not to be selfish and initiate to believe that we are one
State of nature is the need for all life and let rationality return.
Spread the message for freedom and justice from bigotry
Use researches, resources and skills for one world country.
Ancestors lived well without national anthems with false pride
Don't glorify paid constituents who chained you and also died.
Don't teach children about your country, about divisions in us
Lesson is, one world one country and no other bacteria, virus!

One World Country
Monday, March 9, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: divinity,global,natural law,one,world
Chan Mongol

Chan Mongol

East Bengal (Bangladesh)
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