Only Bigger Federations Poem by Chan Mongol

Only Bigger Federations

Poem by Chan Mongol
January 1 of 2019

Voice after me as a lesson of introductory;
Build yourself first, before building a country!
Don't get killed for a blood sucker country,
Try to live better in own individual boundary!

Governments and winners think that they are right;
They legalize and well write their false rite.
Such happened often to explore crook people's fun;
False freedom are compromised and thus, divisions done.

Too many died and bloods from innocents spilled;
For countries, millions of humans get killed.
So, we need federations which are spicy and cool;
With many resources such can introduce good rule.

Those relentless leadership are selfish and racists;
Their system create autocrats, despots, fascists.
By undermining weaker folks, introducing hate rules;
By playing power and wealth cards, they made us fools!

Bigger federations with multiple cultures and nations;
Aroma of good foods and bringing correct combinations!
But biased and tricky leaders want own fenced country;
Those leaders are fake, fraud, greedy, lunatic and dirty.

Ashoka the great expanded to Malaysia, Vietnam and Cambodia.
As his federation Alexander conquered the world up to India
Non-Muslim Persians could have done in those ancient days
Umayyad, Abbasid, Ottomans put the concept in their trays.

In today's scientific world with good constitutions;
No discrimination in race, color, creed, religions!
Look at outrageous middle-east, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan!
No law is there to stop land grabbers in their own terrain!

Let's call for a revolution for character reformations!
Let's voice for the unity to live in larger federations!
The truth is, divided we fall and united we stand;
We have to unmask leaders and conditions to mend.

Voice after me as a lesson of introductory;
Build yourself first, before building a country!
Don't get killed for a blood sucker country;
Try to live better in own individual boundary!

Saturday, January 11, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: liberation,political utopia
Chan Mongol

Chan Mongol

East Bengal (Bangladesh)
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