Our Ideas Poem by The Original Tom Maxwell

The Original Tom Maxwell

The Original Tom Maxwell

East St. Louis Illinois /now in Junction city, or Belleville, Illinois

Our Ideas

An idea, is a thought we think of, and it appears in our mind,
some seem to come so fast, just like a streak of light, others,
the thought process is slow, many day's, and sleepless nights.

Our mind, can only think one way at a certain time,
you can not have good, and bad thoughts,
at the exact same moment, in your mind.

Ideas, can help you bring a solution to a problem, you have at hand,
they can also help us see ahead, and guide us through,
with our future plans.

They can also help us resolve the conflicts
we come upon in life, day, by day, they can also change,
our reactions and movements, in oh so many ways.

Our brain controls our breathing, and keeps up the rhythm,
of our heart beat, our brain monitors everything in our body,
from the hair on our head, to the sole of our feet.

The brain interprets, the thoughts and ideas, we have in our mind,
it's so amazing, how it can remember everything,
we see, or do, during this life time.

They work so hard for us, every hour of each day,
for some they can show a picture, of a future vision,
they even work harder when we sleep, than when you watch television.

We are shaped, moved, and defined, by the thoughts,
we have within our mind, they work within us to make us what we are,
we make our own thoughts, in our mind, they determine,
who we are, during our time.

The ideas we have in life, come from our mind,
which is regulated by impulses, in our brain,
they determine everything we do in life, from the crazy, to the sane.

Tom Maxwell copyright 12/18/2002

Saturday, September 19, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: thoughts
Deluke Muwanigwa 19 September 2020

Good one. Thats true. Thats why its worrisome when we have leaders with strange ideas. Its scary

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The Original Tom Maxwell

The Original Tom Maxwell

East St. Louis Illinois /now in Junction city, or Belleville, Illinois
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