Pierre Elliot Trudeau: Will His First Born, Justin Trudeau, Exceed His Triumphs And Weather His Travails As Effectively And Will I Earn Once Again? Poem by Gayathri Seetharam

Pierre Elliot Trudeau: Will His First Born, Justin Trudeau, Exceed His Triumphs And Weather His Travails As Effectively And Will I Earn Once Again?

Anaphora (Poetry Foundation)
Often used in political speeches and occasionally in prose and poetry, anaphora is the repetition of a word or words at the beginning of successive phrases, clauses, or lines to create a sonic effect.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s famous "I Have a Dream" speech, which uses anaphora not only in its oft-quoted "I have a dream" refrain but throughout, as in this passage when he repeats the phrase "go back to":

Go back to Mississippi, go back to Alabama, go back to South Carolina,
go back to Georgia, go back to Louisiana, go back to the slums and
ghettos of our northern cities, knowing that somehow this situation can
and will be changed.
Pierre Elliot Trudeau: Will his first born, Justin Trudeau, exceed his triumphs and weather his travails as effectively and will I earn once again?
-Gayathri B. Seetharam
Pierre Elliot Trudeau was a fine man
For it can be said of him that he
Was an effective Prime Minister
And as a fine man, he introduced universal health care in Canada
As a fine man, he changed the face of the constitution
And made Canada a more liberal and immigrant-accepting nation
As a fine man, he changed the design of the Canadian flag
As a fine man, he made the song, O Canada, an official national anthem
And as a fine man, he and his government made same sex sexual intercourse legal;

Justin Trudeau is an equally fine man
And as an equally fine man, he has introduced fine policies in Canada as a Prime Minister
And as an equally fine man, he has shown he has a heart for many people who are suffering out there in Syria and Mali
And as an equally fine man, he has been a liberal leader and an ardent feminist
And as an equally fine man with fine looks, he has or should grace the history books as the most handsome man to be the PM of Canada;

Now we come to Thine with fineness
Who says, not to be beaten at the fineness quality
That I am a fine woman who is an engineer with graduate degrees
And as a fine woman, I am widely published on the internet and published in newspapers
And as a fine woman, who had a daredevil streak in me, I picked up speeding tickets for doing 140 km/hr and 152 km/hr
And as a fine woman, I fought these speeding tickets and was not penalised otherwise except being charged a $100 both the times by the fine Canadian judicial system
But as a fine woman who has lost her nerve, I do not drive any more
And thus it can be said of me that as a fine woman, I toe the line and go by the epithet, a feminine feminist
And it can be said of me, that as a fine woman, I am also illogical, irrational and impractical;

Will PM Trudeau's triumphs lead to continued success for every Canadian
And will his travails lead to a deeper understanding of the difficulties experienced by his fellow Canadians and fellowmen
Will his virtues lead to vagaries also and will his most recent vagary be
To realise the fineness in me which exemplifies the fineness in him and in keeping with the fineness of Canada, will he reward me as he has promised?

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Please note: I chose Manet's Luncheon on the Grass because it is scandalizing even in this day and age and I wanted to make a point of the face that a fine quality in me is that I am both sensuous and sensually sexual in nature.

Pierre Elliot Trudeau: Will His First Born, Justin Trudeau, Exceed His Triumphs And Weather His Travails As Effectively And Will I Earn Once Again?
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