Planet Earth: A Womb Celebration Of Life Poem by Terence George Craddock

Planet Earth: A Womb Celebration Of Life

Rating: 5.0

great earthquakes may shatter the bones of the earth
great floods may scour sacred body skin of the earth
great avalanches may scare mountain face of the earth

great fires may burn off forests oxygen lungs of the earth
great fires may burn off trees lush long hair of the earth
great fires may burn off wildlife silent still ears of the earth
great fires may burn off animals watching eyes of the earth

great disasters may destroy habitats living womb of the earth
great disasters may destroy vegetation living food of the earth
great disasters may destroy animals living heartbeat of the earth

soon a new dawn will come darkness swallowed by rebirth light
shock agony death will pain distilled dawn wake into new life
new life will breathe flourish walk run fly in new days new nights

Thursday, October 22, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: disasters,earth,earthquake,fires,life
Copyright © Terence George Craddock
Written in October 2020 on the 23.10.2020.
Inspired by the poem 'Weaving Light-Life Proximity' by the poet Varsha Madhulika.
Dedicated to the poet Varsha Madhulika.
See also the poems 'Nature: A Life Regeneration Machine' and 'Nature Wakes Into New Life' by the poet Terence George Craddock.
Varsha M 22 October 2020

This is really very good composition of yours. Out of disaster calamity and all evil rebirth finds its place restoring life to its full. Very well written. Thank-you. This is stupendously awesome. On my poet's list. Full score.

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Deluke Muwanigwa 22 October 2020

Great poem. Yah nature abhors a vacuum. Thats why it cant be true that we are alone in the universe. Where there is oxygen water air there are people and there are millions of planets like that. We need to create the means to get there if we want

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