Poetry Poem by Joshua Adeyemi


Rating: 5.0

Poetry is like a hook that apprehends deflowered fishes with its varying wits. The hook is thrown into the ocean of the socitey and it caught informations that inspires the souls to keep writing. Poetry is a garment of many colours that no one is yet to distinguish the type of its colour he's putting on. It takes time, dedication and observation to ascertain the type because these are the regalia of poetry.

She is always on silk
Endowed in glittering stones.
Graced with beauty
She thrives;

17: 04: 09: 06: 47

Monday, September 4, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: education
Mahtab Bangalee 22 January 2020

wow greatly written; poetry..inspires the souls to keep writing. Poetry is a garment of many colours that no one is yet to distinguish the type of its colour he's putting on./// superb poetic expression about poetry

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Britte Ninad 29 May 2018

witty invention of poetry superb 10+++

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Dr Antony Theodore 27 March 2018

The hook is thrown into the ocean of the socitey and it caught informations that inspires the souls to keep writing. Poetry is a garment of many colours.....thank u for your philosophical vision of poetry.........my dear poet. thank u again. tony

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Mario, Lucien, Rene Odekerken 04 September 2017

Beautiful written Adeyemi Thank you for sharing Mario Odekerken

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Joshua Adeyemi 07 September 2017

Thanks alot.

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Kumarmani Mahakul 04 September 2017

Poetry carries colors of emotion and expression. Poetry distinguishes the features of life. An amazing poem is shared here.10

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Joshua Adeyemi 07 September 2017

You're always encouraging me. Your comments are salt in my poetry meal. Thanks!

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