Police Reform. Poem by Ace Of Black Hearts

Police Reform.

All lives matter, I think the black lives matter slogan is racist.
It shouldn't matter what your skin color is.
I don't care the political, or social motivation.
In a sense a movement with a name like that saying its okay if a Asian, Caucasian, Irish, Itialian, you name it guy gets killed by the cops.
As long as their skin ain't of a dark nature.
And that just not right.
You want real police reform, well all colors wear that uniform.
So dividing who important and who is not is no better the segregation, no better then gentrification.
Your encouraging behavior that singles you out.
You claim the police are racist but I disagree I would say its procedure, it's one of the many ways in the which their trained.
When to shoot, and when to hold off.
Feeling threaten.
What to do.
What is human nature.
What was there mental status.
How many times have they used that gun before that moment.
How many hours have they worked before that incident.
Maybe the killing was unjustified, but that doesn't make it a hate crime.
And if you don't take everything into account with police reform.
You are wasting everybody's time.
Because being black is only one factor, in multitude variables when it comes police violence.

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