Politicians: Hands Of Political Deceit Poem by Terence George Craddock

Politicians: Hands Of Political Deceit

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lead actors political spanning the dark web dancing
across a global stage of dark deceits stand at erected
media podiums facing television cameras with carefully
crafted makeup smiles of hollow sincerity stage acting
out rehearsed lines of political spin writ rhetoric dealing
out elite carrot fortunes or poverty sickness disease death

wars dealt from sleight of hand stacked decks
joker trump card played was conspiracy theory
cover ups now hate speech fake news internet
imposed censorship yes 'politics is a dirty deck
of cards dealer deals stealth death cards' politics
makes strange bed fellows behind the carefully

groomed suits hidden agenda masks stringed puppets
dance skeletons litter untold war cabinet closets as
equestrian class horsemen ride off to yet more carefully
planned justified skull and bones wars in four horsemen
of the apocalypse roles to safeguard deliver more wealth
to heritage puppet masters as corrupted bribed 30 pieces

of silver politicians pretend to be your saviour your guardian
angels passing laws to clip your freedom wings to ultimately
imprison seal you into politically correct wage slave graves
anything you hear to the contrary was but a conspiracy theory
never conspiracy fact rest in peace cries for protest peace
are fake news hate speech labeled by prohibitive coven laws

legal do not be mislead do not be gullible do not be naive
corrupt politicians wash their hands in innocent blood
corrupt politicians take showers in innocent blood
corrupt politicians take baths in innocent blood
mega heinous politicians full Olympic sized
swimming pools with innocent blood

Terence George Craddock (Afterglows Echoes Of Starlight)
Copyright © Terence George Craddock

Inspired by the poem 'Political Wreath Thirteen Jet Black Roses', by the poet Terence George Craddock. Written in May 2022 on the 13.5.2022.
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