Politics Against Humanity Must Fall Poem by Kenneth Maswabi

Politics Against Humanity Must Fall

Politics turned into a weapon of mass destruction
It's sharp edges cutting through the heart of the helpless masses
It's heirs a bunch of forked tongue mercenaries with pockets full of deception
Ready to use their devious minds to deceive the unsuspecting masses
Ready to excavate through the vulnerabilities of the poor
To unashamedly exploit the weaknesses of democratic principles
To unleash terror among the opponents of injustice
To unabatedly destroy the doctrine of equality
Reaping apart the world of goodness
Politics against humanity is an evil of enormous power
Masquerading as peace loving serpents
Bulldozing every sense of human decency
They unleashed their evil intentions against the planet
Allowing their minds to fantasize about nuclear war
Wallowing in a pool of global climate change denialism
Politics against humanity is the monster in every parliament
A political numbness to the everyday needs of the masses
An absence of empathy to the sufferings of humanity
A blind eye to the atrocities committed in the name of sovereignty
A disregard for the United Nations agenda
A dismantling of the well intentioned international bill of human rights
Politics against humanity is a brutal raging war against the poor
Perpetuated by the search for everlasting dominance against their own people
Fueled by greed and their romantic fantasies with extreme capitalism and religious fundamentalism
Politics against humanity must fall

Wednesday, May 3, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: humanity,politics,religions

Politics against humanity.A true prediction is its fall one day.

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Kenneth Maswabi

Kenneth Maswabi

Maun, Botswana
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