President For All? Poem by Emmanuel Joseph Olumakiss

President For All?

If you want to be the President First and foremost do check and balancing
A total scrutiny of yourself
Be honest with your word
Are you truly here to serve?
Think more about the people more than yourself
Do away with greed and that of your beloved
Do not be like the ones that bake several promises and easily forget.

Go straight to the point do things that give the masses joy
Don't waste the country resources fixing your love ones abroad
Hello Mr, will you be fit to take up this job?
Or would illhealth obstruct your view
Will you employ recklessness?
And equally override people not to speak
Don't act like the dumb
Tell the people all to their face
Will you be a grown man and refuse to be bought?
Or would you rather be a toddler being under the control of a boss
Them that brought you this far
Won't they hunger for a payback?
Will you be president for all?
Or president for few
Members of the affluent with full access to you of course

If you become the President
Do not adore greed be honest to yourself
So half of the country's problems will also be solved
Ensure your ear is not too heavy to hearken to their plight
Knowing there are much difficulties unsolved
Radical change is all they seek
Give solutions not unnecessary talk
Don't be like a half baked man who would end up with several stories that touch.

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