Oh my, Oh my!
At the thought of it, It's incomprehensible.
The love, desire and determination,
Who can surpass that?
Oh Jesus Christ, my sweet Lord.
Your sorrowful passion freed us from bondage.
We were once prisoners of darkness, ensnared and lured.
But now we are free from captivity, no longer slaves.
You surrendered yourself to be mocked, humiliated and tortured
So that I could be free from misery and the dark dominion of he who only comes to destroy and steal.
What more love can I seek for, than the love of our Lord Jesus Christ (ponder over it) .
This is absolutely the great depiction of a love so priceless. (meditate over it)
He did not come to be served, but to serve.
Irrespective of his power, authority and might.
So meek and humble, was and is our Lord Jesus Christ.
The spotless Lamb of God, free from blemish.
The only satisfactory atonement for our sins that there was at the time.
Without a doubt, accompanied with excess love and passion for man, He gave up his Life on the cross so that me and you shall be free.
Neither did death nor Saturn have dominion over Him.
He emerged out victorious, with a radiance and glimmering light exuding from his white garment.
This was a time of ecstacy all over the world, a time for refinement and self-reflection.
Christ was a true example and definition of love, a love that is unprecedented and will never be commensurated for all ages to come. Hallelujah, For He is Lord our God. Amen.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem