Privilege Is Okay Only When It Works In Whites' Favour - Right? Wrong! Poem by Professor Dr. Stanley Collymore

Privilege Is Okay Only When It Works In Whites' Favour - Right? Wrong!

By Stanley Collymore

The relentless attacks and
smearing of Meghan and
Harry idiotically carries
on. Evidently, the white British
rightwing does want to make
sure that no other members
of their hugely fawning to,
so asininely worshipped,
very dysfunctional and
quite overwhelmingly
incestuously nakedly
inbred 21st Century
obviously outdated,
trite, monarchical
oligarchic family
marries another
Black person or
any individual
that distinctly
is irrefutably
of colour. In
evil hateful
words - no
further Black or any
brown individuals
in this distinctive
very exclusive
strictly white
so Dark Ages
approach to
reality ever
be near the
UK crown!

Personally you braindead
and brown-nosed totally
pathetic white assholes
can all exclusively have them
as far as I'm duly concerned;
since no truly, realistically
intelligent and obviously
a self-confidently proud,
strongly well-educated,
solidly democratically
motivated and firmly
too, meritocratically
committed Black or
Brown individuals
unlike yourselves
very ludicrously,
pathetically too
and noticeably
sorely lacking
all self-worth

continue to rather vilely
and so sycophantically
too, repulsively social
climb in this fawning manner
of theirs to their supposedly
societal, and indefatigably
also through an accident
of birth, betters. Simple
irony fully beyond the
comprehension - sane
or otherwise of these
implacable lowlifes;
whose intransigent,
delusional state of
mind conclusively
hails this noxious
scum as veritable
supremacist and
humanity's elite
forever - Master
Race specimens.

Reality, if these pathetically
inured cretins had brains
to discern it, is entirely
different; as intelligent Blacks
and others, to be truthful, do
not realistically give a shit
about any of you or those
that you profusely fawn
to. Much less so would
we be willing to trade
voluntarily engaging
and interesting lives
of genuine morality
with a constructive
normality - to then
voluntarily install
one's self inanely
in any dubiously
on corrupt offer
domain littered
with unethical,
delusional, dimwitted
but highly pampered
by Idiots like you, of
a privileged family
of evilly medieval
and avariciously
very clearly self-
serving cretins!
As our Meghan
and Harry - so
fully shunned.

(C)Stanley V. Collymore
16 December 2020.

Author's Remarks:
Meghan and Harry are going to be ultrarich; significantly and rather specifically through their huge and so far largely untapped abilities of course. But equally rather crucially, and most ironically so, because vile rightwing rags like the Daily Mail, as well as other supposedly British MSM in tandem with their so transparently likeminded racist, delusional, and so glaringly hate-filled overwhelmingly obese, usually ugly with it and totally low esteem menopausal or evidently near it predominantly white females and their of an equivalent mind also white males.

All of them intellectually challenged, braindead, poorly educated and most pathetically, irrefutably grotesquely manipulated, gullible lowlife scum trolls, cowardly hidden behind their asininely, unimaginatively made up names and keyboard fantasies, will most undoubtedly keep the Meghan and Harry brand vigorously and, as well, advantageously alive and very significantly and highly importantly for Meghan and Harry too, crucially massively profitable for them!

And over that on itself alone I'm in unchecked convulsions of laughter that endemic cunts like you who can't even sort out your Brexit mess, which the chief and well-heeled advocates of it so clearly are deserting you gullible clowns, as they vacate your sinking ship for the same Europe, with their clandestine EU passports, leaving you to fend for yourselves. Serves you fucking right! You bloody ignoramuses!

Yet you idiotically think that you can tell others who neither don't nor want to act like you, who you obviously don't even know; have never met and are unlikely ever to do so, how to live their lives. The thoroughly creditable likes of Meghan and Harry!

But hey don't let me stop your brown-nosed and risibly, gullible fawning to those you deem as your monarchical and aristocratic social betters; while pointlessly attacking Meghan and her beloved Harry, who will assuredly as a result most gleefully I'm convinced, be laughing all the way to their bank!

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