It is difficult to play the society game
It is a difficult part
to play.
It is dangerous and daunting
In fact downright ridiculous to take such a devastating chance.
Walking defenceless into the world
Asking meekly that she might treat us as she should
Trying hard not to become hardened when she doesn't.
And on top of that
to do it well!
To perform, provide. To Excel.
So that we worry about another Friday night at home
We worry about the likelihood of dying alone.
Where do I think I'm going? What do I think I'm doing?
What do they think I think I'm doing?
Oh god what do they think? !
And, God forbid.
That our daily routine
Shouldn't be sufficiently punctuated.
By the electronic shout and shiver of cellphones
The insistent flash and glare of emails, and IMs.
Because you might as well throw in the towel.
Call yourself hermit
And move to the country.
Is it youth?
Oh God I hope its just youth.
Because I really just can't keep up.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem