A dichotomy
My skin, pale like my mother
Flushed like My father.
Not an attempt.. it is an...is! Rename it Haiku.. You've done what you set out to and done it very well...precise...concise...and turning on a sixpence. Says all it has to say in the best possible way. Very well observed and very well executed. Lovel the use of the word dichotomy to cover the first five syllables...never thought I would see it used so well and so cleverly. More? Please! love Donall
well done, Lauren. an attempt? i say a nail. so much said here in 17 syllables.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
That rocked! (Oy vey, they want 20 or more characters for my comment, how can you be sincere and terse when you're given a quota?)