Racist And Genocide Supporter Keir Starmer Champions Edward Colston - The Vile, English Slave Trader! Poem by Professor Dr. Stanley Collymore

Racist And Genocide Supporter Keir Starmer Champions Edward Colston - The Vile, English Slave Trader!

By Stanley Collymore

The very frenzied brought down of the
imposing statue of Saddam Hussein
the west's clearly out of favour but
previously their ideally compliant
and very Useful Idiot champion
buffoon following the unlawful
invasion of his nation, Iraq in the
wake of the USA and toadying
Britain's fraudulent and quite
deceitfully publicized claim
of Iraq's supposed illegal
possession of weapons
of mass destruction in
order to acquire their
distinctly imperialist,
nakedly colonialist
and physically, a
bigoted mission,
was laudatorily
backed by the
US Pres; UK
PM; awfully
all manner
of shoddy

so very characteristic of
British politicians; the
UK's vile MSM and,
naturally, the discernibly quite
grovelling royalists and their
visibly sycophantic, class
obsessional plebeians,
with their supportive
and also important
jubilation as a job
excellently done
and a muscular
of spry crowd

But when the continuous aftermath
of systemic murder, humiliation,
arbitrary ignominy, routine police
brutality and various other acts
of premeditatedly perpetrated
barbarity against Blacks and Black men
particularly, readily condoned not only
by the racist authorities, but similarly
the majority of whites and also their
Useful Idiots, across these vicious
and white-controlled countries, to
be easily found on both sides of
the Atlantic and similarly so the
like-minded unmistakably and
discernibly entrenched racist
white arrogated Antipodean
countries of both Australia
and New Zealand: where
it is distinctly directed at
the evident indigenous,
genocidal-disposed of
and replaced Maoris
as are the removed
Aborigines - every
one of them with
the full backing
of the hideous
specimens in
Yidland: that
every impartial and fair-
minded person does
legally and morally
see as Palestine -
along with their
white kith and
kin in former
white racist
and dear
S.A ally.

Yet right now, we've those same
white supremacist, supporting
cunts like Keir Starmer self-
aggrandizing and grossly
patronizingly releasing
their correspondingly
racist and hugely Yid-financed ire - and
in Keir Starmer's own specific bought
and paid for case, to also become
the incumbent Yid, but Tel-Aviv
in reality figurehead leader of
the also totally endemically
racist British Labour Party -
at all Black-Lives-Matter
protestors purposefully
demolishing and also
promptly dumping it
in the near by river;

the damnably and insultingly
offensive, erected and for
126 years the staunchly
sustained and likewise
pretentiously adored and lauded
statue of a most reprehensible
and prodigiously profiteering
off the nakedly vulnerable,
hapless and completely
threatened lives of the
multitude of Africans:
that embodied men,
expectant women,
babies and also
young children -
the Englander,
odious white
slave trader
E. Colston.

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
10 June 2020.

Author's Remarks:
Here's a resume, Keir Starmer, of Edward Colston who you and other white lowlife scum like him and asininely passing yourselves off as the crème de la crème of British society as he undoubtedly did in 17th Century England really was. The stark and important truth about this utterly repulsive man is that Edward Colston's wealth and any so-called philanthropy of his came entirely from Black Slavery profits. He was the deputy governor of the so-called Royal African Company that had a complete monopoly on the entirety of England's slave trade. He also profited massively from selling Barbadian sugar produced by my Bajan enslaved ancestors. And from 1672-1689 was directly responsible for transporting over 100,000 kidnapped and enforced slaves: men, women, expectant females, mothers with babies, young girls, youths and children of all ages from their homes and countries in West Africa to the West Indies. All of whom were branded with the company's RAC (Royal African)lettrs on their chest. You have two young children Keir Starmer. Now imagine, if in reverse, some such organization with equally sick bastards like Edward Colston and your likeminded apologetic self as a poor specimen of a human being, could and did the same things to your sprog Yid kids, your Yid wife and also your Yid self!

During the same period of 1672-1689 over 20,000 such slaves died on the journey to the West Indies. Crammed in the most filthy and horrible conditions this was inevitable but these white supremacists and slave traders like Edward Colston didn't give a damn. However, it wasn't only the dead but also the sick who were viciously and ruthlessly thrown overboard to the legions of sharks that followed these slave ships; a process that was contemporaneously well documented and widely talked about. But no mention of these people by you and your ilk, Keir Starmer as these Black lives didn't matter. Yet here you are foaming at the mouth like a rabies-infected dog, while you jerk yourself off in a frenzy because the statue of this most despicable man Edward Colston whom you and others like you worship because of his racism, white supremacy notions and white privilege was commendably thrown into the nearby river by people with moral rectitude and praiseworthy consciences. No memorials or worthy remembrances though, let along suitable burial ceremonies for those barbarically treated and who like George Flyod and numerous others were mercilessly and systemically murdered, and still are in the 21st Century, by your actions born of delusional white supremacism.

Then you tell us we should protest peacefully. Really? What good did doing so benefit the likes of Nelson Mandela, Steve Biko, the gunned down and slaughtered innocent and unarmed school children of Soweto? Or for that matter, the white South African and genuine Jews Ruth First and Jo Slovo - not the fake Yid ones like you, your wife and your sprogs, and those who have usurped Palestine, and are carrying out with unchallenged impunity and immunity their genocide of the Palestinian people; and doing so with your support Keir Starmer because you're likewise in their financial pocket - after all they did buy the British Labour Party leadership for you - and, of course, the likes of Dr. Martin Luther King and other Civil Rights leaders. Where did peaceful demonstrations get them? When your sort Keir Starmer only interpret such conduct s weakness!

If statues raised to the villainous and their ilk from the past are supposed to be the windows of knowledge relative to our history and from which anyone who is interested can learn from the past and isn't morally, curiously or even legally debarred from doing so; how come then that there are no statues raised to Adolf Hitler or Josef Goebbels, Keir Starmer and Co, who spout this dishonest, self-serving and disingenuous point of view? Or is it simply in your sick and rather twisted minds a matter of whose sensitivities are being trodden on? And while your Yid and white supremacist, racist sorts have sensitivities aplenty, Blacks, or NIGGERS as you still perceive us as, have absolutely NONE!

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