Read Genesis Poem by Chan Mongol

Read Genesis

By Chan Mongol
September 28 of 2022

Ruling people from three religions constantly bark;

Abraham was their common and mightiest patriarch.

Decorating Abraham as next to God but why not his country?

Generations became hypocrites with own hypocrisy.

What good it is to highlight Abraham in religions?

Why remembering a Pharaoh like him and his bad actions?

Pharaohs lasted long and still they are lasting now;

Amongst, Abraham was the shrewd winner Pharaoh?

By wearing a mask of the almighty creator;

He managed to get immunity as a sinner.

What good he did to win with lies and forgeries then?

For his legit and illegitimate wives and children!

I don't find noble works in his activities, deeds;

He was responsible for illegitimate and wrong beliefs.

I said so in the above because I read the holy Genesis;

You also read to learn and to use own brains please!

Some care for own community guideline, not mine;

I said what I said is fine and to uphold the truth line.

Why should I accept forgeries and lies in religions?

Either truth, justice, equality or bigotries, fictions!

Chan Mongol

Chan Mongol

East Bengal (Bangladesh)
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