Reason Trialed Poem by Henry Tong

Reason Trialed

Rating: 5.0

My reason was tried by my rage.
I devoured ice on dancing flames.
I landed safe on brittle quakes.
I blessed their soul when they thrashed my fame.

Yet reason did not stop rampage
nor with patience could it assuage.
But violence bred if lacked a sage
soul v. soul would then engage.

Those knights had knelt down by their arms
whose spirits colluded with their charms.
By now my reason had outwon my brawl
and resigned to suppression that befell.

Monday, February 5, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: anger,reason
Britte Ninad 29 May 2018

a good decision comes from findings reason By now my reason had outwon my brawl and resigned to suppression that befell. nice 10++++

1 1 Reply
Akhtar Jawad 08 April 2018

Beautiful thoughts penned in a beautiful manner.

1 1 Reply
Dr Dillip K Swain 12 February 2018

It's a beautiful piece of poetry! My favorite lines: Those knights had knelt down by their arms/whose spirits colluded with their charms...Thanks for sharing....10

2 1 Reply
Dr Antony Theodore 05 February 2018

I devoured ice on dancing flame, spirits colludind with charms... very fine poetic expressions dear poet. tony

2 1 Reply
Henry 05 February 2018

Thx Tony for the comment! I would be more than happy to introduce my other poems, and i also look forward to reading yours!

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Henry Tong

Henry Tong

Beijing, China
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