Red And Black Poem by Tom Billsborough

Red And Black

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Red and black, Roulette.
Wheel spun to winter sunset,
Ruby ring encased in Jet.
Black holes spin.
Ignited Universe
And the onset on verse.
Red and black, Roulette.
Oh! Fate!
And my blood spins
Through dark chambers of my heart.
Let chance commence the dance
In spinning pirouettes.
Let colours coalesce as souls
Compose Love's Madrigals!
Red and black, Roulette.

Sunday, December 18, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: colour
Bri Edwards 31 December 2016

favorite-sounding lines: Let chance commence the dance In spinning pirouettes. Let colours coalesce as souls Compose Love's Madrigals! Let's get together some quiet evening and play Russian Roulette. i'll load the gun; you go first. i went to sulky (horse and 'cart') races once with fraternity 'brothers'/members when i was in college. i didn't plan to bet but the urge got the better of me in later races and i DID. i won a little bit. and only bet a little bit. casinos are (or were) smokey! cigarettes. reminds me of when postal clerks sorting mail 'behind the scenes' used to be allowed to smoke in the U.S. while they worked! i was a sorting clerk for years. but i heard that a fire started once, i think because a clerk dropped/threw a lit cigarette or a hot ash? into a canvas sack on a rack where he? was throwing mail [can you say paper? ! ] into the different sacks. maybe forgot which hand held the cigarette as opposed to the mail. bri :)

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Tom Billsborough 01 January 2017

Think I'll take a rain check on Russian Roulette. I'm useless at games of pure chance. My daughters used to double their pocket money by luring me into chance based card games. Only once been in a Casino with friends. I only bet on a tenner but surprisingly it took me a couple of hours to lose it. My friend lost at least three grand but by the the time he got back to his wife this loss had been reduced to £200! She did have that Are you kidding? look on her face but said nothing!

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Annette Aitken 20 December 2016

put all mine on black 17 ha ha not that I have ever played that game, maybe one day ;)

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Tom Billsborough 20 December 2016

To be honest I've only been in a casino once, in Blackpool and only because another couple invited us. I decided I'd only play for a tenner and when I lost that I'd give up. As it happened I got up to about £25, mainly on red but eventually it all went! That was it. My friend reckoned he'd lost five hundred. That's what he told his wife! Actually, I reckon he lost a few grand. He went on single numbers, a few hundred each time. Can't remember him winning either! I'm notoriously bad at games of chance. My daughters used to double their pocket money at my expenses when we played luck based card games! Mind you, they wouldn't take me on a poker! Too ruddy smart!

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Tom Billsborough

Tom Billsborough

Preston Lancashire England
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