Reluctant Journey Of Loss Poem by RoseAnn V. Shawiak

Reluctant Journey Of Loss

Sprinkling tears of sorrow throughout our lives, loss takes
us on a journey, reluctant as it is, to teach us about the
joy and beauty of it's birth and passing.

Taking time with us through the years, holding our hands
through darkened days and nights of grief and suffering, an
inward look at what our lives mean in the end.

Finding at times, tiny gems within suffering and sacrifices
that befall us unceremoniously, leaving us holding our breath,
tears falling, gasping for air.

Those we've loved our entire lives have now been taken from
us, nothing left to hold onto, sorrow enveloping us totally
and completely.

Nowhere to go, life having forsaken us on our paths through
destiny, nothing to deliver us from the pain, it's intensity
completely capturing our beings.

Nothing to do except experience it, learning what we can
from it's total devastation and purity, sadness keeping a
hold upon us for the rest of our lives.

Even though we continue to live without all those precious
people and moments that we've had together, knowing this too
shall pass, but not until we continue to feel intensely, the
pain of loss until our own deaths come about.

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