Compassion Of Wisdom Poem by RoseAnn V. Shawiak

Compassion Of Wisdom

Rating: 4.8

Answers of life cannot be found in talking with others,
only there will you avoid these truths.

Rambling of voices, searching for wisdom does not bring
it magically into being.

Only seeing with hearts full of love and compassion can
wisdom be found within any of us.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: poem
Colleen Courtney 14 May 2014

So very much truth in this short poem. Adding to my list of favorites!

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Loyd C Taylor Sr 14 May 2014

Hello there good friend. I certainly enjoyed and agreed with this beautiful piece. Well done! Loyd

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What is limit to desire? Why can’t we put it on fire?

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Achill Lad 15 October 2014

The answer to life lies in us having the wisdom to see the damage we are causing. Collectively, we must put all our differences aside and search our hearts for the love and compassion to respect more this natural wonder that is the world we live in. Another thought provoking poem, RoseAnn.

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Hans Vr 17 July 2014

The search for truth, one of the most pleasurable experiences in life, a never ending journey, rendering all humans to be ''becomings' rather than 'beings'. The moments of biggest truth are discovered when we are looking at that little spark inside, let it become a small flame or even a nice fire. Books and conversation about the Big Turth are best reserved for the darker moments, as they must come, when we cannot find the spark inside. These are very thought provoking and inspiring lines, you penned down here, RoseAnn

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Amitava Sur 30 June 2014

So true a realization! ! Yes the truth of life and its significance can be realized mostly through self awakening. Very true.

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good attempt Rangehbok Lyngwa10 minutes ago Simple but pure poetry.

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JayLou Santos Good evening.... 13 mins · Unlike · 1 Hasmukh Mehta welcome JayLou Santos and Rohani Daud like this. 7 mins · Edited · Unlike · 1

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