Remember When You Were Younger Poem by Putri Misnia Shary Bahri

Remember When You Were Younger

Remember when you were younger I used to ponytail you remember when you were a baby I used to carefree with my open heart and Secure you no matter what may come my way I find a best friend for all of my life you were the best gift in my lifetime

Remember when you were younger my bravery is just for you when I look into your eye's I see me in you I see my baby sister growing up so swiftly I see myself growing older too

I always have your back no matter what may come my way I'll be alway by your side I'll will always back you up no matter what may come my way

distance maybe be far but yet so near to your heartbeat

A sisterhood live in a heartbeat with full of love and care free heart with open heart love and carefree will never die unless the heartbeat die

I wish you a many more marvelous birthday with full of blessing of happiness laugh love successful may God bless you guide you with many more blessings through your awaken day and footsteps of walking life.

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