Repair Poem by Chan Mongol


April 4,2019

Good morning, good day from here
In days, nights we do repair!
Even, Sunsets and Sunrises are
All sustain in rebuilt behavior.

Repair is needed to let go
Mending, alteration we all do.
We sleep, we dream always
Born to die without any choice.

Changing is a must in the nature
Damage control is called repair.
Attachment, love, pain, suffer
Everything meant for the repair.

So, what's up with the mystery
Adjusting, rebuild are necessary.
Nothing is solid, even the earth
Ingredients added for its birth.

How about a living entity's needs
Nerves, bones, bloods, fluids?
Death, damage now and then
Repair, adjust often happen.

Except electron, neutron, proton
Materials need reconstruction.
Constantly, we refresh, redo, repair
All from one morning to another are! .

Sometimes smile, sometimes repent
Glad, sad, procedure to fix is meant!
Life and death are kind of renovations
Hammering, nailing are for construction!

Rebuild, redo, repair, one with another
Boost one power with other to empower.
To heal, feel, in wheel of dead or alive
Mixing, fixing are to depart and arrive.

Country, administration, religion, culture
Life, politics, livelihood variously to repair.
Proposes, disposes both meant to redo
In fitting, editing, travel to come and go.

Nothing newly made, only reshaped, redesigned
God takes tortures when things are refined.
We are in god who is everywhere, all together
The round circle what often needs repair!

Repair goes on and on from the dawn
At the cost of wound, death, destruction.
Deaths hurt us but it is a repair for god
It hurts god but that round guy can afford!

Thursday, April 4, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: cycle ,fixing,god,life,universe,wound
Kevin Patrick 04 April 2019

We sleep, we dream always Born to die without any choice. Truer words have never been spoken or poignantly written, life is the salvation that repairs everything.

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Chan Mongol 04 April 2019

Dear Kevin Patrick, Hello! I am so glad that you deeply put some attention on this. A talented person like you tasted my catering and that gives me joy and inspiration. Thank you so much. Yes! There are hesitations to directly speak the truth. Stay blessed!

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Chan Mongol

Chan Mongol

East Bengal (Bangladesh)
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