Republic Day Of India (2023) Patriotism Will Persist Forever Poem by Bernedita Rosinha Pinto

Republic Day Of India (2023) Patriotism Will Persist Forever

Long live our country India,
long has been those glorious years
of our history, of our leaders
and of our nation's unity.

And while diversity vibrates in every street,
in every corner of our neighborhoods,
as people speak different languages,
as people practice various religions
they still sit in each other's proximity every evening
and enjoy a hot cup of tea or coffee
with some spicy samosas or sweet jelebis.
hence solidarity and brotherhood still prevails steadily
though years have turned and churned
the grinding stone with its customary ritual.

And while the spinning wheel rolled those bales of cotton,
the wheels of modern aviation now roll planes so loudly;
they surpass the barriers of old technology
yet our India has remained dedicated to its vows
and has upheld its pledge to its people for decades
that as a country it will provide people
with a ' right to vote' and choose its representatives;
today with a population of even over a billion
India still considers people's vote as the power of our nation;
is this not the best dedication our country has upheld?

And though Indians are born and bred
with a sense of patriotism below their skin,
no one ever wants to forget the pride and privileges
their country India has bequeathed to them,
that no matter how far they go and where they stay,
they still long to come home and enjoy
the Indian food like Vegetarian Thali and the Sweet Lassi.

Long live our nation of ardent commitment
as though people have changed their appearances,
their jobs, their outlook, their ambiance,
their hearts are always the same
as that of their forefathers
where one kept nodding at the other's joy
where one kept watching other's progress silently,
where one kept struggling yet feeling restful
while one kept rushing to work routinely.

But today as people keep walking or rushing
along the railway stations or bus-stops
to reach their workplaces or offices,
each one still remains focused on their own livelihood
yet they share their vision of patriotism in unity
that as the Republic Day surfaces in January,
it ushers a sudden connection in every Indian
and provokes an allurement and joyous belief
that Republic Day is a common festival.

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