Resolution Ov Tide, Far Mansions! Poem by Shireen Ramadan

Resolution Ov Tide, Far Mansions!

For the tragic creation's mother ov drama, queen Melpomene, in black arts ov wicked.
Far from your smell, bricks & layers, brimstone in fire oceans, for hovering mansions.
Hearts ov sprouting gore, wings ov Pegasus, springs ov bleeding tide, failed to resolute.
In Faustus' presumption, mature Mephistopheles, a queen ov tragic fall, for her abortion.
Melpomene ov tragedy, saving an angel, his fall from mansions, as grace is far attained.
Faraway, a dreaming goddess, ov consumed life, vengeance ov slow decay.
Angelic corpse, egocentric seeds, ov dreaming god, authority ov kingdoms.
Your hands ov gore, feeding the lust in goat, from bounty, animosity.
Ov flesh to chew, gave absolute powers, far mansions from tide, my sanctity.
For holy mother, Melpomene, save your talents from Aristotle.
In virtues ov tragedy, catharsis ov no dead, theatres to the end, actors to be.
In tide ov Oedipus, sailing to the mother, marrying incest, downfall in wrath.
Animosity in a flaw, acting to be, the king ov lost curse, for moving pageants.
Oedipus Rex is the sin ov me, purgating the filthy, parricide ov demand.
Devotion, destination, burying the seeds ov orphan, burning curse ov thirsty.
For a need ov streaming blood, to suckle from her, the maternal essence ov drama.
From Melpomene, a goddess, to promise, far mansions, angelic corpse.
Far from tide, ready to resolute, Faustus to be, Oedipus to a falling god.
Bleeding in his sense ov dramatic, cursed to the ending filthy.
Crystal corpse ov actors, for curtains to remain, fell to embracing mother.
Fell to resolute, Faustus in his same, hanging in tormented firmament ov pain.
In winged arms ov dead patience, failed to attain.
Crystal bliss ov white fate, above seven heavens to be.
Oedipus to see, in splits ov maternity, married the forbidden flesh to penetrate.
Holy mothers ov song, Muses to attain, rewards ov authority, kingdoms ov wondering Greece.
Ov seven hearts ov sprouting gore, wings ov Pegasus, springs ov bleeding tide.
Far mansions from tainted bound, my sanctity, self-scrutiny.
To seeds ov orphan in a curse ov thirsty, banned in a law ov demand, behaving the light.
For a sun ov dull ethereal, acting the son ov drama, resolution ov tide, black arts ov devotion.
Heroes faraway, mansions in theatrical aroma, ov catharsis' dreaming gods.
To a wicked song ov collision in fair, resurrecting the buried, heroes to act.
Melpomene, far reality, to gain sanctity ov origins.
For lost dreaming gods ov drama, hovering pageants, in my legend ov tide.....

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