I lost you on a chilly night
in autumn
now only in my dreams may you
but I will always search for you
at evening
a spirit love to banish earthy
I'll see you on the other side
of midnight
I'll be there in the silent clouds
of time
I'll find you in the mist of early
I'll hold you in my wistful dreams
and rhyme
That's it! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Great! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
My brother was a college English professor and taught me early on never to be offended by constructive advise. I wanted the replaced line to be consistent with clouds and time and came up with mist and morning. I like the poem better now and glad you do too. thanks.
[until I reach my final destination] = where our feelings{love} in blossom [will] fly as golden everlasting flower{s}/// I'll hold you in my wistful dreams and rhyme = Our love will live for ever in the dew of my wistful rhyming dreams./////Even as you reshaped it it is beatifull.Except ''until I reach my final destination'''which, I think, should be dropped.Best wishew, Barry.
I'll see you on the other side of midnight I'll be there in the silent clouds of time I'll hold you in my wistful dreams and rhyme //// These three verses, dear Barry, can last in the centuries to come.Make one poem out of these and leave them to the eternity.They will never die.
This was written for a girl that died about 40 years ago. She still shows up in my dreams.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
This is perfect. Every line of this poem is simply beautiful. The tone is superb. I'll hold you in my wistful dreams and rhyme...what an ending!
I am so glad you like it. The harder I work at revision the better my poems become but this one will stay as is now. Thank you again.