Groovy Poem by Barry Middleton


Rating: 4.8

I know they retired
my favorite word,
why I never will know.
But I plan an attack
to bring ‘groovy' back,
and I need everyone
to join in the pact.
I entreat every man
to my grandiose plan,
I need every woman too.
We must hear it swell
from each hill and dale
till it casts on the land
that old mystical spell.
We must say it
ten times each day,
till it circles the globe,
everyone will then say -
It means yes, it affirms,
it's good luck, like a charm,
it always solicits a smile.
I feel groovy, it's good,
it's about brotherhood,
sisterhood also in style.
The sun will shine bright,
put an end to the fight,
Earth's a garden, it's love,
there is hope up above,
it's all good, it's still
groovy tonight.

Sunday, May 29, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: nostalgia,sixties
Spock The Vegan 29 May 2016

Groovy was popular when I was a teen ager. Many of the old records, when you looked closely, were obviously groovy.: -)

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SusanBM 18 August 2021

I use the word groovy at least once a day! Saying it makes me feel, you know, groovy.

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Michael Walker 25 September 2016

I agree about 'groovy'. There is a very good song 'Feelin' Groovy', by Simon and Garfunkel.

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Barry Middleton 26 September 2016

Good song, good era, good word. Groovy!

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Pamela Sinicrope 20 June 2016

Just love this....GROOVY Barry! From now on, I'm going to use the word groovy everyday. You were right...your poem brought a smile to my face. You are sooooo GROOOOOVY! :)))))

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Barry Middleton 20 June 2016

Groovy! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

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Dimitrios Galanis 29 May 2016

A due tribute to a word in common use which painted an epoche.The disapperance of words show the changes in perception of the realities.Nicely depicted.

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Barry Middleton 29 May 2016

When a word as perfect as groovy dies it is a sad thing.

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Kelly Kurt 29 May 2016

I think Spock nailed its etymology. I used to (and still occasionally do) say, Sweet

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Barry Middleton 29 May 2016

Yes I agree with Spock too, being in the groove had to come from records - hence groovy. Sweet!

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