Revolving Puzzle Pieces Poem by RoseAnn V. Shawiak

Revolving Puzzle Pieces

Keyboard players going back and forth like children playing pranks
on one another, guitars leading the pact, interesting combos bland-
ing and making puzzle pieces to eventually fit snugly together.

Watching in a mind as all blends, making sense in portraits and
landscapes to get to all types of people listening right now, in-
tellect participating while senses are captivated and in view.

Feelings combining with rhythms, turning around, revolving puzzle
pieces into different ideas and concepts, taking hold, charging
forward into challenging realms.

Taking past dreams and remaking them into entire plays and skits
that a mind can display constantly, watching as life and humanity
are making sense in retroactive periods of musical rhythms.

Walking along pathway through unending jazzmical measures, feel-
ing intense vibrations as they travel through the atmosphere and
fall into intriguing formulas.

Lifting intellect higher and higher into a thirteenth dimension,
watching as motion begins to move upward, colors bursting into
realms of jazz.

Enjoying the beauty of its wonderful mysterious participation,
traveling onward, measures of beginnings and endings controlling
neurons and synapses with pleasure centers being hit directly.

Nothing to stop it, no hesitating or diminishing in this particular
jazz band, twirling notes like batons, tones now flowing with colors painting portraits of what could become in the near future.

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