Rock And Roll Poem by Barry Middleton

Rock And Roll

Rating: 4.8

the song I want to play
aches for harmony
but I will keep on singing
till life abandons me

freedom is an angel
coming to my dream
serenity's protection
against an evil scheme

they say we get too old
for rock and roll
and music has an end

but if truth be told
I still have soul
or so I can pretend

evening is a dream
there I play my song
I must keep on singing
till death will take me home

midnight brings an angel
to sing along with me
and I am young again
and I again am free

they say we get too old
for rock and roll
and music has an end

but if truth be told
I still have soul
or so I can pretend

when the sun is fading
the melody is mine
I close my eyes and pray
for music is divine

the band is tuning up now
soon we start to play
and rock on till the sunrise
to welcome one more day

they say we get too old
for rock and roll
and music has an end

but if truth be told
I still have soul
or so I can pretend

Thursday, February 25, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: dream,music
Navod Dilhara 27 February 2016

Rock and Roll Music is a 1957 hit single written and recorded by rock and roll icon Chuck Berry.'' And you have quite wonderfully chosen your name, , And it's pretty much lucid that you love music than anything.. '' the band is tuning up now soon we start to play and rock on till the sunrise to welcome one more day''- welcome all the days! great poem!

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Ayman Parray 26 February 2016

A lovely poem, Barry. I don't think I will ever get too old for Rock And Roll. Thanks for sharing.

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Nosheen Irfan 25 February 2016

Music is life. We never get too old for music. I really feel like listening to a rock song. Thanks for this lovely poem. Full marks.

5 1 Reply
Barry Middleton 26 February 2016

Thanks for the comment and rating.

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