Roseto Poem by Jim Yerman


Roseto is an Italian-American borough in Pennsylvania, no, let's call it a community
Because it is that word that helps explain Roseto's history.

Back in the 1950's and 60's Roseto set itself apart
You might say this little town was a community with great heart.

Most of the men in this village smoked and even more drank wine
They worked hard in underground quarries...200 feet below sunshine.

They couldn't afford to cook in olive oil as life and times were hard
So their traditional Italian food was cooked in fat and lard.

Despite these unhealthy habits near as scientists could gauge
Most people in Roseto, when they died, died of old age.

Their hearts were strong and healthy their blood was vigorously pumped
A fact that at the time had many doctors stumped.

So back in 1963 researchers decided to unite
To determine what was wrong with Roseto...or more likely what was right.

It was obvious it didn't matter how Rosetans filled their dinner bowls
What was more important to their long life was how they fed their souls.

These people were a real community and if you need some proof
Three generations of every family shared one roof.

If someone needed help then a helping hand they'd lend
It was not uncommon on a walk around town to be joined by neighbors and friends.

Researchers found respect for one another as well as conformity
Contributed to the better health of the entire community.

Of course as newer generations came along this conformity decreased
And the rate of heart attacks in Roseto predictably increased.

But we could learn something from the Rosetans and apply it to our daily lives
About what will keep us healthy...about the best way to survive.

Sure it's a good idea to eat healthily but experts now agree
What's most important for a long and happy life are friends and family.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: life
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