Run All Out Of Benefits Of Doubt Poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar

Run All Out Of Benefits Of Doubt

Benefit of a doubt?
Do you realize how many benefits
Of doubt I've given out?
How many 'Oh well, that's okay! '
I've said to myself...
To chase those doubts away,
That cropped up to stay?
Sometimes everyday!
To relay to myself,
I understand...
In an understanding way?

Do you realize when I had been in doubt,
I would find myself excusing
A cause someone else brought about.
And then when I became angry...
I was the one to feel guilty,
From being fed nonsense
That would raise my voice then made to shout?

And now you ask me,
To give to you a benefit of a doubt?
Another one?

I've run out of benefits of doubt.
They are gone.
And so are you...
Free to move on!
I have no more in supply.
None for you to use or abuse...
Or deny I have not tried!

Get out.
While I still havean eyebrow raised to offer.
And you are more than welcome to have it!
And before you leave...
Please keep the keys!
New locks I've got,
Just to keep any benefits of doubt restored...
From you forever ignored and blocked!

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