Run Away And Hide In Clear Sight Poem by Mark Heathcote

Run Away And Hide In Clear Sight

Corridors and dungeons haunted our childish-ways
And rainbows and tears congealed into living flames
Oh, and we'd run and play with no one else to blame
And with arms outstretched, we'd fly like lunar aeroplanes
Oh, and do you remember hiding in clear sight
Counting backwards, guessing I'd just run away
And you could stay where we wouldn't have long left to play.

Attic rooms and musty cold, Victorian schools
Oh, do you remember your disgrace if you happened to laugh
Enjoy a moment when you weren't allowed to speak
Oh, and do you remember all your silly discourse
When you were happy as a dancing dragonfly
With clean linen off the clothesline
Exasperating parents, shouting stop-screeching, go to bed.

Leaden clocks like a hummingbird ticking in the shadows,
In the corner with shovel-pointed fingertips,
Whispering close your eyes one day you must die
But today, be an aeroplane and learn to fly.
But today, run away and hide in clear sight
Because life is a blessing and a rainbow
Tears can congeal into living flames tomorrow.

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