Safe In Here Poem by Jim Yerman

Safe In Here

I was wearing my tie-dye rainbow colored hat
in the bookstore the other night…I've worn it a lot this year…
when a lady came up to the counter and said, '
"When I saw your hat through the window…I knew I'd be safe in here."

It's fitting as I'm writing this…that I'm walking in the rain….
why is this important…let me take a moment to explain…

There's a reign of terror falling from our skies
that, unfortunately, generations of people have felt before…
A human-made reign of terror that yesterday…
found it's way into our store.

You see there is a blatant disregard for human life…
for what is fair, unbiased and just…
and it's difficult, while it's raining…
to know who we can…and cannot trust.

As with open arms we smiled and welcomed this women into our store
I couldn't help thinking of the Native Nations, people of color
anyone who is feeling…or…who has felt this way before….

And I was glad my little hat…that's been my lucky hat all year
played a part in letting this woman know there was nothing she need fear.

When terror is raining down…with so much out of our control…
when we see it hardening so many hearts…and infecting so many souls

It's up to us to walk tall and bravely through the rain each day…
to do our best tot stop this reign of terror from washing our world away

Perhaps the best that we can do…until this reign of terror is through
and the light of truth, kindness and justice once again appear…
is to provide a place where people can say…
I know I'll be safe in here.

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