Save The World From All Threats To Peace! Poem by Ramesh T A

Save The World From All Threats To Peace!

All point out the trouble spots of world are Middle East;
But the eternal trouble spots are Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan
Causing concern to all peace lovers along with Pakistan;
Dangerous country with Nuclear weapons is now North Korea!

Enlightenment seems to have for Cuba and China all believe;
French president and German Chancellor are placed top in office;
Good governance is believed to be taking place in India now;
High praise goes to Canada for its welcome to all in the world!

Indonesia, Philippines, China, South America are prone to tremors;
Japan warns about North Korea's bomb testings and China's threats;
Korea's turmoil and Pakistan's double talks earn displeasure from all;
Lasting peace for the world seems to be a dream due to ISIS terrorism!

Many African countries and Burma are facing rebel threats for long;
No country in the world seems to be in peace and all want peace ever;
Opposition to many ruling governments face tough time with opposition;
People feel living in hell in Syria, Iraq, Pakistan, Palestine and Burma!

Questions of Nuclear proliferation and terrorism are still to be solved;
Refugees in Turkey, Lebanon, Iraq in 40 lakhs and 15 lakhs are alarming;
Stateless people living all over the world seems to increasing everyday;
Trades all over the world should have concern for natural resources....!

Unanimous support of developed countries for developing ones should increase;
Veracity in all dealing by world nations should look for good relations;
World will become an Utopia, if all join hands for peace, unity and friendship!

X and Y kind of unknown nations also should be treated with equal respect;
Years of peace efforts under the aegis of UNO should never go waste sure;
Zealous mood to promote world peace and friendship should be made a success!

Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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