Screened By Laurel Poem by Ray Mesa

Screened By Laurel

Screened my Laurel
Sliding down the downward spiral
Let it fall, Let it curl
Sliding down the fire pole
She shines like a pearl
She hides me inside the walls of my own home
She reads out loud the morals
Feeble minded and so cold
Screened by Laurel
Slipping down the downward spiral

Hold me or bury me
Kill me or marry me

Slam on the brakes, hold my hand
Watch us crash into dry land
As we fall on the ground
We slip into the soundless
The buried sound
I can’t wait to mount this
Table against this wall
And run down this hall
Into it and watch my blood slip down
Like burning ash and the after call

Darkness and midnight
Burning incense and dry taste of blight
I sense the sense of wasting away tonight
I mount the base and I’ll be all right
Just in case, take this cigarette as a light
And don’t stray
Forget to obey
And don’t turn gray

War machine is a’ stepping towards my house
She is so scared she is covering her face with her blouse
She is quivering like when the cat corners the mouse
And the mouse becomes a robot
And the cat is scared and begins to cough
The mouse kills the cat and the cartoon ends
But look at the message we send
That it’s ok to kill the people that could be our friend

Hands are shaking cold
Hands are forming mold
This wrist was meant to hold

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